Robina Town Dental Blog
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Dental Blog

Find out tips and information on dentistry and maintaining your oral health in our blog.

Oral Health

What Vitamins and Minerals Are Important for Teeth?.

When it comes to healthy eating for your teeth, the most common advice is about things to avoid. While limiting sugar and acids can help prevent tooth decay and other problems, it’s also important to make sure your teeth and gums are getting the right nutrition to keep them healthy and str.....
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Smoking and Your Teeth.

Smoking affects many aspects of health, including oral health. As well as directly causing stains and bad breath, tobacco use is a major factor in developing oral diseases and can affect your mouth in other ways. If you or someone you know smokes, cutting down or trying to quit could lower.....
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Why Is My Mouth Dry?.

An occasional dry mouth could mean you’re not drinking enough water, but a persistent dry mouth can be a sign of a more serious problem that needs professional care. Dry mouth (xerostomia) is an oral health condition that occurs when the salivary glands at the back of your mouth don’t prod.....
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Best Treatments for Teeth Sensitivity.

Have your teeth become more sensitive to heat and cold, pressure or other sensations? Teeth sensitivity can have many possible causes, with as many treatment options. It can also sometimes be a warning sign of an underlying problem. Our dentists at Robina Town Dental will aim to identify t.....
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How to Prevent Cavities and Gum Disease.

Most oral health problems are caused by bacteria that build up on the teeth in a sticky layer called plaque. If plaque isn’t removed effectively, this can lead to teeth wearing down and cavities forming. If plaque builds up around the gums, it can also lead to gum disease, a major cause of.....
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12 Common Teeth Cleaning Mistakes.

Along with a healthy diet and regular dental visits, a good brushing and flossing routine is one of the best ways to prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar on your teeth. This helps to lower your risk of oral health problems such as tooth decay, cavities and gum disease that can also af.....
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Do you feel worried or anxious about visiting the dentist? As many as one in six Australian adults say they feel anxious, scared or stressed when they're in a dental setting, making dental fear one of the most common types of anxiety. Anxiety can have negative effects on your oral health i.....
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How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?.

If you only go to the dentist when you already have signs of a problem, it's more likely that you'll need corrective treatment than someone who has a regular check-up and clean. But how regular is regular? There's no straightforward answer, as the ideal visiting frequency for you will depe.....
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Dental Health Week 2021: How to Keep Your Smile for Life.

You don't expect to lose an arm or a leg when you get older, so why would you expect to lose your teeth? Keeping your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime is the focus of this year's Dental Health Week in Australia. Dental Health Week is organised by the Australian Dental Association (ADA.....
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Are You Brushing Your Teeth Wrong?.

Brushing our teeth is something most of us learned as kids, but not all of us were taught correctly. Opinions about toothbrushing technique have changed over time as oral hygiene has become better understood and it can be easy to slide into bad brushing habits if you're not paying attentio.....
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